Falência Hepática Aguda 2017
American Gastroenterological Association Institute Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Acute Liver Failure
This guideline was developed using a process outlined elsewhere.1 Briefly, the American Gastroenterolog- ical Association Institute (AGA) process for developing
clinical practice guidelines incorporates Grading of Recom- mendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) methodology2 and best practices as outlined by the Institute of Medicine.3 GRADE methodology was used to prepare the background information for the guideline and the technical review that accompanies it.4 Optimal understand- ing of this guideline will be enhanced by reading applicable portions of the technical review. The guideline panel and the authors of the technical review met face-to-face on May 20, 2016, to discuss the quality of evidence (Table 1) and consider other factors relevant for the risk-benefit assess- ment of the recommendations. The guideline authors subse- quently formulated the recommendations. Although quality of evidence was a key factor in determining the strength of each recommendation (Table 2), the panel also considered the balance between the benefit and harm of interventions, patients’ values and preferences, and resource utilization.