HipertensÃO Portal (baveno) 2015
Expanding consensus in portal hypertension: Report of the Baveno VI Consensus Workshop: Stratifying risk and individualizing care for portal hypertension
Portal hypertension is the haemodynamic abnormality associated with the most severe complications of cirrhosis, including ascites, hepatic encephalopathy and bleeding from gastroesophageal varices. Variceal bleeding is a medical emergency associated with a mortality that, in spite of recent progress, is still in the order of 10–20% at 6 weeks. The evaluation of diagnostic tools and the design and conduct of good clinical trials for the treatment of portal hypertension have always been difficult. Awareness of these difficulties has led to the organisation of a series of consen- sus meetings. The first one was organised by Andrew Burroughs in Groningen, the Netherlands in 1986 [1]. After Groningen, other meetings followed, in Baveno, Italy in 1990 (Baveno I) [2], and in 1995 (Baveno II) [3,4], in Milan, Italy in 1992 [5], in Reston, U.S.A. [6] in 1996, in Stresa, Italy, in 2000 (Baveno III) [7,8], again in Baveno in 2005 (Baveno IV) [9,10], in Atlanta in 2007 [11], and again in Stresa in 2010 (Baveno V) [12,13].