Doenças colestáticas ou autoimunes 2016
Gallstones or cholelithiasis are a major public health problem in
Europe and other developed countries and affect up to 20% of the
population. Gallstone disease is the most common gastrointestinal disorder for which patients are admitted to hospitals in
European countries [1]. The interdisciplinary care for patients
with gallstone disease has advanced considerably during recent
decades thanks to a growing insight into the pathophysiological
mechanisms and remarkable technical developments in endoscopic and surgical procedures. In contrast, primary prevention
for this common disease is still in its infancy.
The EASL Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) on the prevention,
diagnosis and therapy of gallstones aim to provide current
recommendations on the following issues:
- Prevention of gallstones
- Diagnosis of gallbladder stones
- Medical therapy of gallbladder stones
- Surgical therapy of gallbladder stones
- Diagnosis of bile duct stones
- Endoscopic and surgical therapy of bile duct stones
- Diagnosis and therapy of intrahepatic stones
- Therapy of gallstones during pregnancy